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What the state of social media saturation means for brands

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the phenomenon of social media saturation, where the sheer volume of content and platforms has created challenges for marketers in cutting through the noise and capturing audience attention. It explores the factors contributing to this issue, such as the rapid pace of trends, the proliferation of AI-generated content, and the fragmentation of audiences across diverse social platforms. The article also provides insights and strategies for marketers to adapt to this evolving landscape, including the importance of creating original and engaging content, understanding audience preferences, and adopting new rituals to foster creativity and combat burnout.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Social Media Saturation

1. What are the key factors contributing to the challenge of social media saturation?

  • The rapid pace of trends and meme culture, paired with a stream of AI-generated content flooding feeds, has created a ceiling on the volume of content users are mentally and emotionally able to process.
  • The sheer number of accounts competing for users' fleeting attention exacerbates this dynamic, as brands are pitted against the latest viral posts, influencer giveaways, and content from family and friends.
  • The proliferation of AI-generated content, such as the computer-enhanced videos promoting the new season of "House of the Dragon," has added to the perception of social media saturation and concerns about misinformation.
  • The fragmentation of audiences across diverse social platforms, with the emergence and decline of platforms like BeReal, Threads, Bluesky, and Mastodon, has made it challenging for marketers to determine the right places to focus their efforts.

2. How has the social media landscape evolved, and what implications does this have for marketers?

  • The social media landscape has become more fragmented, with communities segmented across different, smaller platforms, rather than the traditional "pillars" of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • This fragmentation raises questions for marketers about whether short-form video is still the best investment, or if they should reallocate their focus to more text and static image posts, depending on the preferences of their target audience on each platform.
  • The challenge of social media saturation is not going away, as AI technologies continue to advance and the platform landscape continues to diversify, requiring marketers to adapt their strategies accordingly.

[02] Strategies for Marketers

1. What strategies can marketers adopt to cut through the social media noise?

  • Prioritize original content over simply jumping on trends, as nearly four in ten consumers say the most memorable brands on social prioritize original content.
  • Adopt a mix of original and trend-driven content, where the trend content brings the audience in and engages them, and the original content is then served to them.
  • Deeply understand what their audience wants to consume, such as the preferred video formats and content types (e.g., "edutainment" posts).
  • Incorporate rituals and exercises to foster creativity and combat burnout, such as the "External Inspiration" exercise at H&R Block, where team members present on topics outside their industry to draw parallels and inspiration.
  • Advocate for new social success metrics that prioritize engagement and community growth over reach and impressions, as these can be more valuable indicators of success in an oversaturated landscape.

2. How can marketers adapt their content strategies to the evolving social media landscape?

  • Experiment with lowering production volume and creating more original content, rather than relying solely on trends and high-volume posting.
  • Prioritize a more strategic and flexible approach to content, as the nuances of social platforms and user behaviors continue to evolve.
  • Recognize that finding success on social media is not formulaic, and that marketers need to be willing to reset their strategies and try new approaches to break through the clutter.
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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