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4 Steps To Speak Like a CEO

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses how to improve communication skills and executive presence for entrepreneurs and founders, particularly when pitching to investors or leading a company. It covers tips from vocal coach Dr. Laura Sicola on topics like:

  • Closing the gap between your brain and your mouth to convey your ideas effectively
  • Projecting the right qualities (e.g. maturity, passion, trustworthiness) for your audience
  • Avoiding common speaking issues like "uptalk", vocal fry, and rambling sentences
  • Balancing compelling content with strong delivery

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Improving Communication Skills and Executive Presence

1. What are the key tips Dr. Laura Sicola provides for entrepreneurs to improve their communication skills and executive presence?

  • Identify the goal of your communication - what do you want your audience to think, feel, or do?
  • Assess how you currently come across on video and identify areas for improvement, such as filler words, fidgeting, and lack of eye contact
  • Focus on both the content of your message and the delivery - "If you have great content, but you deliver it lousy, that's like dipping a pearl in mud"
  • Avoid common issues like talking too fast, mumbling, "uptalk", and run-on sentences
  • Find the right "prismatic voice" - the qualities you need to project for your specific audience and context

2. Why does Dr. Sicola emphasize the importance of being able to "command the room, connect with the audience, and close the deal" as a founder?

  • Venture capitalists want to invest in founders who can effectively lead people, not just build products
  • Customers and employees need to buy into the founder as a leader, not just the company's products/services
  • Strong communication and executive presence are critical for attracting investors, rallying a team, and closing deals

3. How does Dr. Sicola advise founders to approach crafting their presentation content and delivery?

  • Start with the end in mind - what do you want your audience to think, feel, or do?
  • Tailor your content and "prismatic voice" to what your specific audience needs and expects
  • Avoid the "expert's curse" of getting too deep into technical details and losing your audience
  • Focus on inspiring people with your vision and passion, not just market size or product features
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