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MInference 1.0: Accelerating Pre-filling for Long-Context LLMs via Dynamic Sparse Attention

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The paper introduces MInference, a technique to accelerate the pre-filling stage of long-context language models (LLMs) by leveraging dynamic sparse attention. The key contributions are:

  1. Identification of three unique patterns in long-context attention matrices - A-shape, Vertical-Slash, and Block-Sparse - that can be exploited for efficient sparse computation.
  2. A kernel-aware search method to assign the optimal attention pattern for each head, and an efficient online approximation to build dynamic sparse masks.
  3. Optimized GPU kernels developed for the three sparse patterns, enabling extremely efficient computation of dynamic sparse attention.
  4. Extensive experiments demonstrating that MInference can speed up the pre-filling stage by up to 10x for 1M token contexts, while maintaining or improving accuracy on a wide range of long-context benchmarks.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Attention Patterns in Long-Context LLMs

1. What are the three unique attention patterns identified in long-context LLMs? The three unique attention patterns identified are:

  • A-shape pattern: Attention weights are concentrated on initial tokens and local windows.
  • Vertical-Slash (VS) pattern: Attention weights are concentrated on specific tokens (vertical lines) and tokens at fixed intervals (slash lines).
  • Block-Sparse pattern: Attention weights exhibit a more dispersed, dynamic distribution, but maintain some spatial clustering characteristics.

2. How do these patterns differ in terms of their properties and computational efficiency?

  • A-shape pattern has low latency and zero overhead in building the dynamic sparse index.
  • Vertical-Slash pattern has medium latency but small overhead in building the dynamic sparse index.
  • Block-Sparse pattern has low latency but higher overhead in building the dynamic sparse index.

3. How does the kernel-aware search method determine the optimal attention pattern for each head? The kernel-aware search method:

  1. Creates a search space based on a target FLOPs budget for each pattern.
  2. Goes through the search space using a reference example to decide the optimal pattern and setting, using recall of the attention output as the objective criterion.
  3. Leverages FlashAttention to reduce GPU memory overhead and incorporates information from the attention matrix to enable end-to-end selection of the best pattern.

[02] MInference Acceleration Technique

1. How does MInference build the dynamic sparse indices for Vertical-Slash and Block-Sparse heads?

  • For Vertical-Slash heads, MInference uses the last query and key vectors to estimate the attention matrix and determine the indices for the vertical and slash lines.
  • For Block-Sparse heads, MInference applies mean pooling on the query and key vectors to obtain block-level attention weights, which are then used to determine the most important blocks.

2. What are the key optimizations in the GPU kernels developed for the three sparse patterns?

  • A-shape pattern uses a static sparse mask, requiring no overhead in building the dynamic mask.
  • Vertical-Slash pattern uses a hybrid kernel that combines block-sparse attention and PIT-based sparse attention.
  • Block-Sparse pattern uses the Triton version of the FlashAttention kernel, with the selected block index as an additional input.

3. How do the latency results compare between MInference and the baselines?

  • MInference achieves speedups of 1.8x, 4.1x, 6.8x, and 10x over the full attention baseline at 100K, 300K, 500K, and 1M token contexts, respectively.
  • This reduces the pre-filling latency from 30 minutes to 3 minutes on a single A100 GPU for a 1M token prompt.

[03] Experimental Evaluation

1. How does MInference perform on the various long-context benchmarks compared to the baselines?

  • On InfiniteBench, MInference matches or slightly surpasses the performance of the full attention baseline, while significantly outperforming the baseline sparse attention methods.
  • On RULER, MInference effectively maintains long-context performance, even on complex multi-hop and aggregation tasks, outperforming the baselines.
  • On the Needle In A Haystack task, MInference retains the ability to process information at different positions across various context windows, unlike the baseline methods.
  • On the PG-19 language modeling task, MInference exhibits minimal divergence from the full attention baseline, outperforming the other sparse attention methods.

2. How does the ablation study demonstrate the importance of the different components in MInference?

  • Using static sparse indices significantly degrades performance, especially on dynamic tasks like KV retrieval.
  • Removing any of the three attention patterns (A-shape, Vertical-Slash, Block-Sparse) leads to varying degrees of performance degradation, highlighting the importance of the full MInference method.
  • The Vertical-Slash pattern, particularly the dynamic vertical and slash lines, play a crucial role in maintaining performance on retrieval tasks.
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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