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Open source is neither a community nor a democracy

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the misconception that open-source software users are entitled to a say in the direction of the project, just because they use the software. It argues that open-source projects are typically run by a small group of core contributors who are responsible for advancing the project, and that this elitism is a good thing for the productivity and integrity of the project. The article also addresses the tension that arises from users who feel they should have a democratic say in the project's direction, and explains why this tension cannot be resolved.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] The Gift of Open-Source Software

1. What is the "gift" that open-source users receive, according to the article?

  • The gift is the software itself and the freedom of use granted by the license, not a say in the direction of the project.

2. Why does the author think the word "community" is problematic when applied to open-source projects?

  • The word "community" implies a democratic decision-making process that does not actually exist in the open-source world, where projects are typically run by a small group of core contributors.

3. How does the author characterize the division of labor in most open-source projects?

  • The division of labor is not egalitarian, but rather distinctly elitist, with a small group of core contributors taking on the responsibility to advance the project.

4. Why does the author consider this elitism to be a good thing for open-source projects?

  • The author argues that elitism is good because it ensures the project is driven by the people who show up to do the work, demonstrate their dedication and competence, and are responsible for keeping the project moving forward.

[02] The Tension of Entitlement

1. What is the root of the "entitlement tension" that the author describes?

  • The root of the tension is the discrepancy between the users who feel they should have a say in the project's direction and the reality that not all participants contribute equally in volume or value.

2. How does the author suggest addressing the tension of entitlement?

  • The author states that the tension cannot be resolved, only acknowledged. The author suggests that the democratic ideals are fulfilled by the fact that open-source software is free and there are many alternatives available.

3. What is the author's view on the relationship between open-source burnout and the entitlement syndrome?

  • The author argues that open-source burnout is often misdiagnosed as a problem of compensation, when it is more related to the entitlement syndrome, where users feel they should have a say in the project's direction.

[03] Framing Open-Source as a Gift Exchange

1. How does the author suggest framing open-source software?

  • The author suggests framing open-source as a "gift exchange", as this puts the emphasis on how to react as the receiver of the gift, rather than a sense of entitlement.

2. What alternative term does the author suggest using instead of "community"?

  • The author suggests using the term "ecosystem" as an alternative to "community", as ecosystems are not egalitarian and have a hierarchy of "big fish and little fish".

3. What is the author's key message about the nature of open-source collaboration?

  • The author's key message is that open-source is first and foremost a method of collaboration between programmers who show up to do the work, not an entitlement program for users to get free stuff or a seat at the decision-making table.
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