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What Nobody Tells You About RAGs

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

A deep dive into the challenges and best practices of building a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system for real-world business scenarios, covering the business value, data handling, and technical optimizations required.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Clarify the business value from the start: the context, the users, and the data

1. What are some key business requirements to consider before starting a RAG/LLM-based project?

  • Clarify the context and understand the users' main business issues that the RAG system can help address
  • Educate non-technical users on the capabilities and limitations of generative AI
  • Understand the user journey and how the RAG system will integrate into existing workflows
  • Anticipate the data to be indexed, qualify it, and map it to the users' needs
  • Define clear success criteria and metrics to evaluate the project's ROI

[02] Understand what you're indexing

1. What are the different data modalities that can be indexed in a RAG system?

  • Text data
  • Images and diagrams
  • Tables
  • Code snippets

2. How can these multimodal data sources be combined in a RAG system?

  • Text data is chunked and embedded using a text embedding model
  • Tables are summarized with an LLM, and their descriptions are embedded and used for indexing
  • Code snippets are chunked and embedded using a text embedding model
  • Images are converted into embeddings using a multimodal vision and language model

[03] Improve chunk quality โ€” garbage in, garbage out

1. What are some tips for improving the quality of text chunks in a RAG system?

  • Leverage document metadata like table of contents, titles, or headers to provide contextually relevant chunks
  • Adjust chunk size based on the characteristics of the data (e.g., longer chunks for wordy documents, shorter chunks for bullet-point style)
  • Explore semantic chunking techniques to generate chunks that are semantically relevant

[04] Improve pre-retrieval

1. What are some key pre-retrieval techniques to consider?

  • Query rewriting: Use an LLM to rephrase the user's query to improve clarity and specificity
  • Query expansion with Hypothetical Document Embedding (HyDE): Generate a hypothetical answer and use it to retrieve more relevant documents
  • Query augmentation: Combine the original query with the preliminary generated outputs to retrieve more relevant information

[05] Improve retrieval

1. What are some techniques for improving the retrieval step in a RAG system?

  • Hybrid search: Combine vector search and keyword search to leverage the advantages of both
  • Filter on metadata: Use additional metadata properties to pre-filter the vector space and improve relevance
  • Test multiple embedding models and fine-tune them for domain-specific data

[06] Improve post-retrieval

1. What are some post-retrieval techniques to increase the relevancy of the retrieved documents?

  • Reranking: Re-order the retrieved documents based on their alignment with the query
  • Remove irrelevant chunks: Use an LLM to filter out unimportant sections or chunks from the retrieved documents

[07] An overlooked part: Generation

1. What are some tips for enhancing the answer generation step in a RAG system?

  • Define a system prompt to guide the LLM's behavior and writing style
  • Include few-shot examples in the system prompt to provide context for complex tasks
  • Force the LLM to generate structured outputs when appropriate
  • Leverage techniques like Chain of Thought to improve reasoning and summarization in the generated answers
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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