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AI ethicists are speaking out, but are we listening?

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the rise of the attention economy and the potential negative impacts of technology, particularly social media and AI, on mental health, democracy, and society. It highlights the perspectives of several experts and advocates who are working to promote more responsible and ethical technology development.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] The Rise of the Attention Economy

1. What is the main incentive in the current economy, according to the article? The main incentive in the current economy is attention, as the more attention one receives, the more money they can make.

2. What is the dark side of the attention economy, according to the article? The dark side of the attention economy is that many children are at risk of suffering from severe mental health issues due to their social media use, and there are few regulations around children's access to it.

3. How does the article describe the relationship between attention and our priorities? The article states that attention is a finite commodity, and when it is all "sucked up by one thing, we have none left to give to more important demands like our health and well-being, real-life community, or the planet."

[02] Experts Advocating for Responsible Technology

1. What are the key concerns raised by Tristan Harris about the impact of AI and technology on society? Tristan Harris, a former Google design ethicist, has spoken out about the negative impacts of persuasive design in tech products, particularly on mental health and attention spans. He also warns that AI technology is moving faster than the human brain can adapt to it, and that the incorporation of AI into social media has contributed to the breakdown of democracy.

2. What are the key concerns raised by Timnit Gebru about the risks of large language models (LLMs) and AI biases? Timnit Gebru, the co-lead of the Ethical Artificial Intelligence Team at Google, emphasized the risks of large language models (LLMs), which are key to Google's business, and AI biases with facial scanning technology. She highlighted issues such as racial bias in Amazon's facial recognition system and Google's AI photos labeling black people as 'gorillas'.

3. What are the concerns raised by Jaron Lanier and Bruce Schneier about the potential dangers of technology? Jaron Lanier, the "Godfather of Virtual Reality" technology, warns about technology's downsides, such as social isolation and potential manipulation through experiences like VR. Bruce Schneier, a renowned security expert and author, has criticized tech companies' mass collection of personal data and its potential misuse, and the need for trustworthy AI with understood limitations, biases, and goals.

4. What are the key concerns raised by Alka Roy about the need for responsible innovation in AI? Alka Roy, the founder of the Responsible Innovation Project, believes that businesses must include ethics in their AI strategies and product development to ensure a prosperous and just society, and to avoid rejection by consumers and declining public opinion about AI.

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