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After Tesla and OpenAI, Andrej Karpathy’s startup aims to apply AI assistants to education | TechCrunch

🌈 Abstract

The article discusses the launch of Eureka Labs, an "AI native" education platform founded by Andrej Karpathy, the former head of AI at Tesla and a researcher at OpenAI. The platform aims to leverage generative AI to create AI teaching assistants that can guide students through course materials.

🙋 Q&A

[01] Eureka Labs and its AI Ambitions

1. What are the key goals and plans of Eureka Labs?

  • Eureka Labs aims to create AI teaching assistants that can work with human teachers to allow "anyone to learn anything"
  • The startup's first product will be an AI course, LLM101n, which will teach students how to train their own AI models similar to the AI teaching assistant Eureka Labs plans to build
  • Eureka Labs plans to offer the course materials online and run both digital and physical cohorts

2. What is the current status of Eureka Labs' plans?

  • Eureka Labs has not yet built or tested the efficacy of integrating AI assistants into the classroom
  • The AI course, LLM101n, is still in development, and there is no specific timeline for its release

3. What is the background of Eureka Labs' founder, Andrej Karpathy?

  • Karpathy has a background in AI, having previously worked at Tesla and OpenAI
  • He has also been an educator, teaching deep learning at Stanford University and leading an online course called "Neural Networks: Zero to Hero"

[02] Eureka Labs' First Course: LLM101n

1. What is the focus of the LLM101n course?

  • The LLM101n course is advertised as teaching students how to "build everything end-to-end from basics to a functioning web app similar to ChatGPT, from scratch in Python, C and CUDA"
  • However, the GitHub repository linked to the course suggests it is actually focused on teaching students how to build a "Storyteller AI Large Language Model (LLM)"

2. What is the current status of the LLM101n course?

  • The course materials are not yet complete, and a note on the GitHub page says the course will take time to build with no specific timeline

[03] Funding and Business Model of Eureka Labs

1. What is known about Eureka Labs' funding and business model?

  • It is unclear if Karpathy has self-funded Eureka Labs or received backing from investors, as there are no public filings of any investments related to the startup
  • The startup's business model is also not disclosed in the article


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