How I Built My First AI Startup (With No Experience)
๐ Abstract
The article discusses the author's journey of building a startup as a data scientist, including advice on how others can do the same. It covers topics such as the benefits of building a startup, the process of validating ideas, finding a co-founder, and building the frontend and backend of the startup.
๐ Q&A
[01] Why Build a Startup?
1. What are the key reasons the author provides for building a startup?
- The author gained a lot of practical knowledge and skills by building their own product, beyond what they learned from courses and projects
- Building a startup is great experience to add to your resume, as it counts as commercial work experience
- Building a SaaS (Software as a Service) startup can provide a source of passive income
[02] Validating Ideas
1. What process does the author recommend for validating startup ideas?
- The author introduced their startup,, which helps with the idea validation process using AI, web scraping, APIs, and quantifiable feedback
- The author also recommends using your "personal advantage" - leveraging your existing knowledge or connections to identify problems you can solve
[03] Finding a Co-founder
1. Why does the author recommend finding a co-founder?
- A co-founder can take on parts of the startup that the author doesn't want to do themselves, like marketing, frontend, or sales
- A co-founder provides additional validation and feedback on ideas, and helps get the startup running faster
- The author found their co-founder on the YCombinator co-founder matching platform
[04] Building the Frontend
1. What advice does the author give for building the frontend?
- Use the frontend framework you are most familiar with, even if it's not the latest trend
- This allows you to develop faster and fix bugs more easily
- The author recommends checking their previous articles on top Python frontend libraries
[05] Building the Backend
1. Why does the author recommend having a backend?
- A backend provides better security, observability, control over pipelines, logging, and the ability to leverage more computational power
- The author used tools like FastAPI, Gunicorn, Docker, and Nginx to build the backend
- Monitoring is important to track API performance and identify issues
2. Why does the author argue that Python is a suitable language for backend development?
- The speed difference between Python and other languages is often negligible, especially for user-facing applications
- Many Python libraries are optimized and use lower-level languages like C/Fortran under the hood
- For AI-heavy applications, the response time is more dependent on the computational power than the programming language
[06] Next Steps
1. What additional topics does the author suggest covering in a potential second part of the article?
- AI in production, MLOps, marketing, publishing, sales, advertisements, and pricing models
- More practical guides and examples on productionalizing the backend