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This Is The Fastest Object Ever Made by Humans, And It's Not Slowing Down

🌈 Abstract

The article discusses the record-breaking speeds achieved by NASA's Parker Solar Probe, which is designed to study the Sun's outer corona up close.

🙋 Q&A

[01] The Parker Solar Probe's Record-Breaking Speeds

1. What speed records has the Parker Solar Probe set?

  • The Parker Solar Probe has set the record for the fastest-moving human-made object, reaching speeds of 635,266 km/h (394,736 mph) on June 29.
  • It is expected to reach even higher speeds of around 692,000 km/h (430,000 mph) when it makes its closest approach to the Sun in 2025.

2. How does the Parker Solar Probe achieve these incredible speeds?

  • The probe uses the gravity of Venus to create a "gravity-powered slingshot" effect, aligning with Venus' orbit to gain momentum as it loops around the Sun.
  • This allows the probe to reach speeds up to 500 times faster than the speed of sound.

3. What is the purpose of the Parker Solar Probe's high-speed flights around the Sun?

  • The probe is designed to take close-up measurements and collect data on the Sun's outer corona, the layer of ionized gas surrounding the Sun.
  • This data will help improve our scientific understanding of the Sun and its behavior.

[02] The Parker Solar Probe's Design and Capabilities

1. How is the Parker Solar Probe designed to withstand the extreme conditions it encounters?

  • The probe has an 11.4-cm (4.5-inch) carbon-composite shield that can withstand temperatures of nearly 1,371°C (2,500°F).
  • This protects the probe from the intense heat and radiation it experiences as it gets close to the Sun.

2. What other significant speed records have been set for human-made objects?

  • At one point, the record was believed to be held by a nuclear test borehole cover, which was blasted towards space at an estimated 240,000 km/h (150,000 mph) after a bomb detonation.
  • However, the Parker Solar Probe has now surpassed this record and is unlikely to be overtaken anytime soon.
Shared by Daniel Chen ·
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