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The 3-step plan to figure out what you want to do in life

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the author's journey of finding purpose and fulfillment in life, focusing on the importance of exploring different options, identifying one's true passions, and building a career around them.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] How to Survive the "Decade of Suck"

1. How can one survive the "decade of suck" when facing 10-12 years of failures and no progress? The key is to enjoy the game and not play to win, but to play for the sake of playing. The people who make it through the "decade of suck" are the ones who keep going, even when their friends are getting promotions and buying houses, because they find joy in the process.

2. What is the author's advice for finding a game or career that you love? The author suggests trying out different options and not just sticking to what "sounds good" to others. He recommends shadowing someone in the field you think you want to pursue to get a real-world understanding of the job. The author also emphasizes the importance of finding activities that feel like "play" to you, but look like "work" to others.

3. How can one identify clues and blueprints to find the right path? The author suggests paying attention to what gives you energy vs. what drains you, and finding activities that feel like play. He also recommends looking for people who are living the life you want and studying their habits and mindset to learn from their "blueprints" for success.

[02] Finding Your Passion and Building a Fulfilling Career

1. What is the author's definition of a great career? The author defines a great career as doing things you love, with people you love.

2. How does the author's approach to success differ from the traditional view of "hard work"? The author believes that energy, not just hard work, is the key to success. He emphasizes the importance of finding activities that you are passionate about and that energize you, rather than just grinding through tasks.

3. What advice does the author give for those who haven't yet found their passion? The author encourages readers to give themselves permission to "wander" and explore different options, even if it means temporarily sacrificing financial stability or security. He believes that taking the time to discover your true passions is worth the investment.

Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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