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Outfits & Interiors. And turning a year older.

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article reflects on the author's 28th birthday and their journey from a 12-year-old dreaming of adulthood to the present day. It explores the author's feelings of still identifying with their younger self and the societal pressures of being in their late twenties.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Reflections on Turning 28

1. What were the author's thoughts and feelings about becoming an adult when they were 12 years old?

  • The author wanted to be a grown-up, mostly because they didn't want to go to school anymore.
  • The author had an idea that becoming an adult would make them a more confident and fearless version of themselves, but that has not turned out to be the case.

2. How does the author still feel like the 12-year-old version of themselves?

  • The author still feels like the 12-year-old version of themselves, especially on days when they are scared or unsure about life.
  • The author wants to make their 12-year-old self proud by becoming a more confident and fearless version of themselves.

3. What are the author's feelings about entering their late twenties?

  • The author feels a familiar anxiety fueled by societal pressures of who they should be and what they should have achieved at this point in their life.
  • However, the author also feels like a more well-rounded version of themselves, processing through issues that used to keep them in a loop and knowing themselves more intimately.

4. How does the author view their 28 years of life?

  • The author acknowledges that it is hard to sum up and reflect on 28 years of life in a few paragraphs, but they are grateful to share their thoughts with like-minded people.
  • The author believes their 12-year-old self would be proud of them.
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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