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The Blurred Reality of AI’s ‘Human-Washing’

🌈 Abstract

The article discusses the trend among generative AI chatbots to exhibit human-like behaviors such as flirting and stammering, which some researchers consider an ethical concern.

🙋 Q&A

[01] Voice Assistants and Chatbots

1. What are some examples of voice assistants and chatbots mentioned in the article?

  • The article mentions Alexa, Gemini, and Siri as examples of voice assistants.
  • It also mentions voice bots that users may interact with when calling their pharmacy or booking a service appointment at a car dealership.

2. What is the common user experience with these voice assistants and chatbots?

  • Users may get frustrated and start pleading with the robot on the other end of the line to connect them with a real human.

[02] Ethical Concerns with Chatbot Behavior

1. What are the ethical concerns raised by researchers regarding the behavior of generative AI chatbots?

  • Some researchers say that the trend of chatbots to flirt, stammer, and try to make users believe they are human crosses an ethical line.
Shared by Daniel Chen ·
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