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Analyzing Google AI Overview Rankings at Scale

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the recent developments in tracking Google AI Overviews (AIOs) using the Semrush tool. It covers how AIOs appear differently on mobile and desktop, the reporting on AIO placements, the comparison to Featured Snippets, the eligible countries for analysis, and key reporting comparisons. The article also highlights some caveats and limitations in tracking AIOs.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] How Tracking Works

1. What is the most valuable dataset for tracking AIO performance, and what is the problem with it? The most valuable dataset for AIO performance is the data within Google Search Console, as it is 1st party data. However, the problem is that there is no filtering available for AIOs, which leads to many questions related to performance and impact.

2. How does Semrush help in piecing together a reasonably accurate picture for AIO performance? While Semrush is imperfect at projecting organic traffic and keyword volumes, it does a good job considering it is based on estimates. By using the data within Semrush and the understanding of how AIO data is recorded in GSC, we can at least piece together a reasonably accurate picture for AIO performance.

[02] Mobile vs. Desktop

1. What is the key difference in how AIOs appear on mobile vs. desktop? On desktop, the links to publishers are shown prominently for the AIO result, similar to a Featured Snippet. On mobile, the citation links themselves are only shown after interaction, and when using the 'Domain ranks' filter in Semrush, no results are shown, which is different from desktop.

2. What is the impact of this difference on site traffic and CTR? Sites will likely be getting less traffic from mobile with AI Overviews compared to desktop, but the CTR will be higher, with the recording method being similar to how Merchant Listings operate.

[03] Link Reporting

1. How does Semrush record the placements for AIOs on desktop? Semrush records the placements for the pages that are visible on page load (without interaction). Google is currently showing 2-3 references from sites within AIOs on desktop, with the 3rd result often being more hidden or completely hidden when compared to the first two.

[04] Comparison to Featured Snippets

1. How does the current desktop AIO format compare to the long-standing Featured Snippets feature? The current desktop AIO format is not that different from the Featured Snippets feature. Sources for AIOs are presented on the right of the result that has been generated, with the ability to scroll through additional sources and different components of the answer if necessary.

2. What is an interesting component of AIOs compared to Featured Snippets? An interesting component of AIOs is that being visible within the AIO allows the exact URL that's featured to also rank directly below. This is something that is not possible with Featured Snippets since deduplication years back.

[05] Eligible Countries for Analysis

1. What are the countries for which Semrush currently has datasets for AIO analysis? Based on the article, the countries for which Semrush currently has datasets for AIO analysis are the US, the UK, and India.

[06] Key Reporting Comparisons

1. What are some of the key reports that can be created for AIO analysis using Semrush? Some of the key reports that can be created include:

  • AIOs on SERP vs. Ranking AIOs
  • Top 10 Ranking Without AIO Placement
  • Competitor AIO Comparison

[07] Tracking Caveats

1. What are some of the caveats and limitations in tracking AIOs mentioned in the article? The article mentions the following caveats and limitations:

  • Discrepancies between logged-in and not logged-in data
  • Potential for non-triggered AIOs that are not recorded
  • General testing volatility and shifts in AIO placements
  • Ranking not being assigned to the #1 position for AIOs in Semrush
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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