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How to Use Product Marketing to Drive Growth

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses how to operationalize product marketing through growth tactics, as part of a four-part series on building a product marketing strategy. It covers understanding growth tactics, mapping them to product marketing strategy, and integrating them into the overall marketing plan.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Understanding Growth Tactics

1. What are the three key levers for driving growth?

  • Acquisition lever: Acquiring customers through awareness, interest, and activation/purchase
  • Retention lever: Retaining and expanding existing customer revenue through feature expansions, reliability, and services
  • Monetization lever: Optimizing for revenue and profit by charging customers

2. What is the importance for PMMs to understand growth tactics?

  • PMMs need to understand growth tactics to inform their own strategy and determine which efforts require collaboration with different teams
  • Understanding common growth tactics across sales, marketing, and product is essential for PMMs

[02] Operationalizing Growth Tactics

1. What is the recommended process for PMMs to operationalize growth tactics?

  • Determine the key growth lever to meet the business goal
  • Use the PMM framework to map out product marketing strategy and tactics
  • Choose the growth tactic to double down as a key focus
  • Complete the rest of the marketing plan with additional tactics

2. How can PMMs collaborate with other teams when operationalizing growth tactics?

  • If the company has a strong lifecycle marketing team, PMMs can co-own email nurture sequences by providing insights on ideal customer profile, segmentation, and messaging
  • PMMs can offer valuable insights on growth tactics even if they don't directly own the execution
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