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How to Create an AI Style Guide: Write With ChatGPT in Your Own Voice

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses how the author used ChatGPT to train it to write in their own voice and style. The author followed a 3-step process from a guide in the "Write With AI" Substack publication, which involved:

  1. Identifying the author's most popular published pieces using Google Analytics.
  2. Providing ChatGPT with the full text of these pieces and instructing it to analyze the author's writing style.
  3. Synthesizing ChatGPT's analyses into a comprehensive style guide that could be used to generate new content in the author's distinctive voice.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Identifying the Author's Writing Style

1. What were the key steps the author followed to train ChatGPT to write in their own voice?

  • The author used Google Analytics to identify their most popular published pieces.
  • They then provided the full text of these pieces to ChatGPT and instructed it to analyze the author's writing style.
  • ChatGPT produced detailed analyses of the author's style, which the author then synthesized into a comprehensive style guide.

2. How did ChatGPT's analysis of the author's writing style evolve as more samples were provided?

  • With each additional piece of the author's writing that was analyzed, ChatGPT identified more nuanced and specific stylistic elements, such as the use of analogies, metaphors, and signposting.
  • The analyses became more detailed and concrete, using more specific terminology to describe the author's writing style.

3. What were some of the key stylistic elements ChatGPT identified in the author's writing?

  • Authoritative yet conversational tone
  • Optimistic, motivational, and encouraging mood
  • Mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences
  • Smooth transitions using connective phrases
  • Deliberate pacing with varied sentence lengths
  • Use of rhetorical questions, direct commands, and numbering
  • Interdisciplinary approach and use of analogies/metaphors
  • Promotion of reader empowerment and self-efficacy

[02] Generating Content in the Author's Style

1. How did the author plan to use the style guide generated by ChatGPT?

  • The author's ultimate goal was to be able to "mass produce" articles at the same standard of quality and in their same voice, without having to personally compose every single word.
  • The author planned to use the style guide as a "blueprint" for creating fresh content on different topics while maintaining their distinctive writing style.

2. What were the author's thoughts on the usefulness of the style guide?

  • The author was impressed by the level of detail and specificity in ChatGPT's analysis, stating that it was the most thorough evaluation of their writing style they had ever seen.
  • The author believed that if the style guide could be used to produce even a rough draft in their voice, it would represent a "huge leap forward" in their editorial process.

3. What resource did the author recommend for those interested in leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT for writing?

  • The author recommended subscribing to the "Write With AI" Substack publication, which they found to be a valuable educational resource on this topic.
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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