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How Mid-funnel Content Can Be Your Secret SEO Weapon

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses how recent changes to Google's user interface have affected the volume and quality of organic website traffic, with fewer top-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel clicks reaching websites. It suggests that the middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) content can become a secret SEO weapon in this new landscape. The article presents six creative MOFU content ideas and how to find them, including:

  1. Feature roundups
  2. Solution hijacking
  3. Quizzes
  4. Niche calculators
  5. Scorecards
  6. Alternative assets

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Recent Changes to Google's User Interface

1. What are the key changes to Google's user interface that have affected organic website traffic?

  • AI Overviews and commoditized answers served directly in search results mean fewer top-of-funnel clicks reach websites
  • Fewer clicks for bottom-of-funnel keywords as Google inserts itself in the conversion process, with product tiles opening up a panel in Google with multiple sellers instead of directing clicks to merchants

2. How have these changes impacted the importance of middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) content?

  • As top-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel opportunities diminish, the middle-of-the-funnel can become a secret SEO weapon
  • MOFU content is the "murky in-between" that aims to develop solution-awareness and ease the user into finding the right solution

[02] Six Creative MOFU Content Ideas

1. What is a feature roundup, and how can it be used as a MOFU content strategy?

  • Feature roundups are a type of list post that compare features or products, rather than just comparing different brands
  • This type of content is underutilized by e-commerce and SaaS brands that don't want to feature competing products in their editorial content
  • The opportunity is to create feature vs. feature or product vs. product roundups to position your brand as the only option

2. What is solution hijacking, and how can it be used as a MOFU content strategy?

  • Solution hijacking converts people who are already solution-aware, but for the wrong solution, and influences them to favor your product instead
  • The key is to target keywords about alternative solutions to yours, but without a strong purchase intent
  • Intent is an important qualifier, as targeting keywords with too much commercial intent can lead to declining traffic

3. How can quizzes be leveraged as a MOFU content strategy?

  • Quizzes are a type of interactive content that provides answers or recommends solutions based on user responses
  • To find quiz opportunities, search for keywords including terms like "quiz," "assessment," or "test"
  • Optimizing the quiz landing page is often an easy win, as many brands don't know how to properly optimize their quizzes for SEO

4. What makes niche calculators a valuable MOFU content strategy?

  • Calculators are a great MOFU strategy if the answer delivered is essential for helping a searcher make a purchase decision
  • Finding calculator opportunities involves searching for keywords with terms like "calculator," "estimate," or "tool"
  • Even simple calculators with minimal supporting content can drive significant traffic if they provide a great user experience

5. How do scorecards differ from quizzes as a MOFU content strategy?

  • Scorecards are designed to give the searcher a performance grade, helping them identify potential problems they may need to fix
  • Unlike quizzes, the goal of scorecards is not to offer an immediate solution, but to develop problem-awareness
  • Finding scorecard opportunities requires looking for keywords that indicate the user wants their performance rated, such as "rate my [something]"

6. What are alternative assets, and how can they be leveraged as a MOFU content strategy?

  • Alternative assets are content formats beyond traditional blog posts, social posts, or audiovisual content, such as spreadsheet templates, CAD blocks, or wiring diagrams
  • These can be particularly valuable in narrow B2B verticals with few top-of-funnel or bottom-of-funnel search opportunities
  • The key is to identify the daily frustrations of your audience and create assets that solve those problems, building multiple touchpoints with them
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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