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Man linked to viral dress pleads guilty to endangering wife’s life
🌈 Abstract
The article discusses the case of Keir Johnston, a man who became famous after a dress worn at his wedding went viral online, but later pleaded guilty to endangering his wife's life by strangling her.
🙋 Q&A
[01] The Viral Wedding Dress
1. What made the dress worn at Keir and Grace Johnston's wedding famous?
- The dress worn by the mother of the bride caused a global debate over its true colors - whether it was black and blue or white and gold.
- The dress went viral on social media after a guest, Caitlin McNeill, shared an image on Tumblr and asked for help in solving the color dilemma.
- The debate over the dress's colors involved many celebrities, including Kim Kardashian and Ellen DeGeneres.
- The couple was invited to appear on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show, where they were given $10,000 and a trip to Grenada.
[02] The Assault Incident
1. What happened between Keir Johnston and his wife Grace on the Isle of Colonsay?
- Keir Johnston pleaded guilty to endangering his wife Grace's life after admitting to strangling her.
- The incident occurred at their home on the remote Scottish island on March 6, 2022.
- Keir Johnston woke up, announced he would be leaving Grace, and then followed her outside, where he pinned her to the ground and strangled her with both hands.
- Grace Johnston was initially able to scream and feared for her life, believing Keir intended to kill her.
- Despite sustaining severe bruising, Grace did not require medical treatment.
2. What was the court's response to Keir Johnston's actions?
- Keir Johnston pleaded guilty to the attack at the High Court in Glasgow on Thursday and was remanded in custody until his sentencing next month.
- The judge, Lady Drummond, denied Keir Johnston bail and placed him in custody, stating that this was a "serious and violent offence" and that his "status has now changed" as he has been convicted of a very serious crime.
Shared by Daniel Chen ·
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