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The future of AI gadgets is just phones

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the author's attempts to create a DIY AI wearable device using existing consumer electronics like smartphones, smartwatches, and wireless earbuds. It explores the challenges and limitations of building a standalone AI gadget compared to leveraging the capabilities of a smartphone.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Attempts to Create a DIY AI Wearable

1. What were the author's initial attempts to create an AI wearable device?

  • The author tried to turn a Motorola Razr flip phone into an AI wearable by clamping it to the neckline of their shirt and running Gemini Assistant on the cover screen.
  • The author also tried running ChatGPT in conversation mode on the Razr's cover screen, but found it impractical as the app was constantly running and listening.

2. What were the limitations the author encountered with these initial prototypes?

  • The author couldn't download Gemini from the Play Store on the folding Razr phone, and found it difficult to use a voice assistant from the cover screen.
  • Trying to tap buttons on the screen to trigger the assistant and operate Google Lens didn't work well.
  • Gemini also misinterpreted some of the author's commands, like reading "recycle" as "becicle".

[02] Shifting to Smartphone and Smartwatch Setup

1. What setup did the author eventually settle on?

  • The author ditched the foldable concept and picked up a Pixel 8 phone and Pixel Watch 2, setting up Gemini as the default assistant on the phone.

2. How did the smartphone and smartwatch setup work for the author?

  • The author had to leave Gemini open and running on the phone, as Google didn't fully support Gemini on the smartwatch.
  • However, the setup allowed the author to use Gemini hands-free in the kitchen, asking questions about a recipe and getting the right answers.
  • Gemini was also able to perform some tasks like setting a timer, but couldn't do others like playing music on Spotify.

[03] Insights on the Future of AI Gadgets

1. What insights did the author gain about the future of AI gadgets?

  • The author believes that we will use AI to get more things done in the future.
  • The author thinks the future of AI gadgets is likely to be phones, as they already have the necessary hardware capabilities.
  • The author sees dedicated AI hardware as less practical compared to using phones and accessories like earbuds.

2. Why does the author think phones are a better platform for AI gadgets than standalone devices?

  • Phones already come with powerful processors, heat dissipation, and wireless connectivity, which standalone AI gadgets would need to figure out.
  • The author sees wearables like earbuds as more practical than standalone AI devices, as people are already accustomed to wearing them.
  • The author believes the "doofy factor" of standalone AI gadgets may be a barrier to their adoption, compared to using existing phone and accessory setups.
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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