The next big AI-UX trend — it’s not Conversational UI
🌈 Abstract
The article discusses the current trends and values being considered for the development of an "aiOS" (AI-powered operating system). It covers topics such as the evolution of conversational AI, the limitations of current conversational UX, and four key values being explored for the future aiOS: itemized workspaces, contextual awareness, multimodal input/output, and language as the operating system.
🙋 Q&A
[01] AI Trends and the Future of Conversational UX
1. What are the different narratives surrounding AI currently?
- The article mentions that AI has a "ton of different narratives right now", such as human clone, stalker, and world domination.
2. What are the problems with current conversational UX?
- The article states that there are "many problems with conversational UX", but does not go into specifics about what those problems are.
3. What is the author's view on the future of conversational UX and the role of "prompt-designers/prompt-engineers/prompters"?
- The article poses the question "what's after ChatGPT? Are we meant to be prompt-designers/prompt-engineers/prompters?", suggesting that the author is unsure about the future direction of conversational UX.
[02] Four Key Values for the aiOS
1. What are the four key values being considered for the development of the aiOS?
- The four key values are:
- Itemized workspaces
- Contextual awareness
- Multimodal input/output
- Language as the operating system
2. What is the concept of "itemized workspaces" and how does it improve user experience?
- Itemized workspaces allow users to seamlessly interact with different apps and features within a single, fluid interface. Users can drag and drop items like podcast episodes, emails, and calendar events between different "apps" or "items".
3. How does contextual awareness improve the user experience of AI applications?
- The article suggests that current AI applications lack the complete context of the user's work, style, and deadlines. Incorporating contextual awareness, such as understanding the user's device positioning, can make the user experience more intuitive and faster.
4. What is the significance of AI understanding language as the "operating system of a human being"?
- The article states that since AI can understand language and conversations, it can also understand all mediums of communication (voice, visual, text). This allows AI to input and output information in the most appropriate medium for the user, without the user having to choose.