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My take on the journalists vs content creators debate

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the backlash and criticism faced by content creators who were credentialed to cover the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) alongside traditional media. It provides the author's perspective on the role and value of content creators in journalism and the evolving media landscape.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] The DNC's Creator Program

1. What was the DNC's creator program?

  • The DNC credentialed over 200 content creators alongside thousands of members of the press to cover the event.
  • The creators received similar access to traditional media, as well as VIP lounges, a boat ride, and other light programming.

2. How did traditional media react to the creator program?

  • The creator program ruffled a lot of feathers in traditional media, whose reporters struggled with limited access to the more crowded areas of the event.
  • There was a barrage of think pieces and posts from people mocking and demeaning the work of the creators, pushing the false idea that they were only there for selfies and clout, not to work.

3. How did the author view the treatment of creators by traditional media?

  • The author found the way creators were being mocked and belittled by "established" journalists and observers online to be disgraceful, with entitlement, arrogance, and gatekeeping being appalling.
  • The author argues this is a protectionist behavior from those invested in institutional power structures who are lashing out amidst their dwindling influence.

[02] The Role of Content Creators in Journalism

1. How does the author view the role of content creators in journalism?

  • The author argues that content creators are often doing journalism with more authenticity and immediacy than traditional media, regularly uncovering stories or angles that traditional media either ignores or fails to pursue.
  • Many content creators provide real-time, on-the-ground coverage of events, unfiltered coverage that is invaluable, especially in an era where trust in mainstream media is at an all-time low.

2. How does the author compare content creators to traditional journalists?

  • The author argues that while traditional journalism has historically been anything but objective, with reporters, editors, and news executives having opinions and values that affect coverage, content creators are more likely to be transparent about their biases.
  • The author also states that good journalism should be truthful, accurate, and fair, but it is never "objective," and that content creators often engage with their audiences in a way that fosters dialogue rather than dictating opinions from on high.

3. What are some of the downsides the author acknowledges regarding the new, creator-dominated landscape?

  • The author acknowledges that the new landscape is not without significant downsides, such as creators being forced to operate as one-man media companies, not always disclosing conflicts of interest, and sometimes prioritizing sensationalism over accuracy and depth due to engagement metrics and algorithms.
  • However, the author argues that these issues are already rampant in the legacy media, and that the idea of content creators not being "real" journalists is both absurd and dangerous.

[03] The Democratization of Media

1. How does the author view the democratization of media?

  • The author argues that we are witnessing the democratization of media, where anyone with a voice and a platform can contribute to public discourse, leading to more diverse perspectives and a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world.
  • The author states that the future of journalism lies in the hands of those who are willing to embrace change, innovate, and engage directly with the public, and that content creators are not the enemy of journalism, but its future.

2. What is the author's overall perspective on the role of content creators in journalism?

  • The author believes that the type of work they saw many creators producing from the DNC is vital to the health of our democracy, and that content creators are fulfilling the role of journalism in ways that many in traditional media either can't or won't.


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