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You Might Be a Late Bloomer

🌈 Abstract

The article discusses the life stories and characteristics of "late bloomers" - people who achieve success later in life, in contrast to "early bloomers" who find success at a young age. It explores the factors that contribute to late bloomers' delayed but eventual success, such as intrinsic motivation, early setbacks, diverse interests, self-teaching abilities, and the ability to finally commit to a path.

🙋 Q&A

[01] Life Secrets of Late Bloomers

1. What are some examples of late bloomers mentioned in the article?

  • Paul Cézanne, an artist who struggled for decades before finding success later in life
  • Colonel Harland Sanders, who started Kentucky Fried Chicken in his 60s
  • Isak Dinesen, who published her acclaimed book "Out of Africa" at age 52
  • Morris Chang, who founded Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing at age 55
  • Samuel Johnson, considered one of the greatest English writers, who achieved fame later in life

2. What are the key traits that distinguish late bloomers from early bloomers?

  • Intrinsic motivation - Late bloomers are driven by their own curiosity and interests rather than external rewards
  • Early setbacks - Late bloomers often struggle and fail early on, but use this as motivation to keep improving
  • Diverse interests - Late bloomers explore a wide range of fields before finding their true calling
  • Self-teaching ability - Late bloomers teach themselves rather than relying on traditional education systems
  • Ability to commit - Late bloomers eventually find a challenge that fully engages their intrinsic drive

3. How do late bloomers' creative processes differ from early bloomers?

  • Late bloomers see their entire lives as experiments, constantly trying new things and learning from the process
  • They are less focused on producing a finished masterpiece and more focused on the journey of mastering their craft
  • Their work often peaks later in life as they accumulate knowledge and experience over decades

[02] Wisdom and Crankiness in Old Age

1. What does the article say about the "transcendental pessimism" and crankiness that can develop in late-blooming artists?

  • Older artists like Titian, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Cézanne often become more oppositional and angry as they age
  • This fuels a "holy rage" that comes through in their increasingly free and passionate brushwork
  • However, the article notes that this pattern does not apply to all late-blooming artists, as seen in the gentleness of Rembrandt's late work "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

2. How does the article describe the wisdom that can emerge in some late bloomers?

  • Wisdom involves pattern recognition, the ability to see things from multiple perspectives, and a sense of tranquility and deeper spiritual awareness
  • Late bloomers who continue exploring and learning throughout their lives can develop a comprehensive wisdom that transcends their original craft or career
  • Examples include William F. Buckley and Milton Friedman, who remained driven and intellectually curious until the end of their lives
Shared by Daniel Chen ·
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