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Productivity != Efficiency

🌈 Abstract

The article discusses the difference between productivity and efficiency, and how they are often conflated in the workplace. It provides definitions of the two terms, explains why it's important to separate them, and offers strategies for improving both efficiency and productivity.

🙋 Q&A

[01] Definitions of Productivity and Efficiency

1. What is the definition of efficiency according to the article?

  • Efficiency is doing the same amount of work with less process.

2. What is the definition of productivity according to the article?

  • Productivity is doing more work with the same people.

3. How do the formal definitions of efficiency and productivity differ from the real-world definitions provided in the article?

  • The formal definitions from Merriam-Webster are more vague, while the real-world definitions provided in the article are more specific, relating efficiency to processes and productivity to people.

[02] Importance of Separating Productivity and Efficiency

1. Why is it important to separate the concepts of productivity and efficiency?

  • When the two terms are conflated, it can lead to the wrong measurements and objectives being pursued, as they have different solutions.
  • High efficiency does not necessarily mean high productivity, and vice versa. Improving one does not guarantee improvements in the other.

2. How does the article suggest we should approach improving productivity and efficiency?

  • The article recommends focusing on improving efficiency and productivity separately, using the distinct strategies provided for each.

[03] Strategies for Improving Efficiency

1. What are the 7 ways the article suggests to increase efficiency?

  • Debureaucratize, automate, integrate, document, standardize, streamline, and continuously learn and improve.

2. How do these efficiency-focused strategies differ from the productivity-focused strategies?

  • The efficiency strategies are focused on improving processes, while the productivity strategies are focused on improving the performance of people.

[04] Strategies for Improving Productivity

1. What are the 10 ways the article suggests to increase productivity?

  • Motivation, morale, vision, transparency, collaboration, empowerment, upskilling, camaraderie, rest, and continuous learning and improvement.

2. How do these productivity-focused strategies differ from the efficiency-focused strategies?

  • The productivity strategies are focused on addressing factors that impact the performance and well-being of employees, while the efficiency strategies are focused on improving the processes and workflows.
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