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The AI bill that has Big Tech panicked

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the debate around California's SB 1047 bill, which mandates safety testing for AI systems that cost over $100 million to train. It explores the liability issues around AI systems, comparing them to cars and search engines, and the arguments made by proponents and critics of the bill.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] The debate around SB 1047

1. Questions related to the content of the section?

  • The article discusses the debate around California's SB 1047 bill, which mandates safety testing for AI systems that cost over $100 million to train.
  • The bill is premised on the idea that powerful AI systems could pose catastrophic dangers, and companies should be liable if their AI systems lead to "mass casualty events" or over $500 million in damages.
  • Critics of the bill, like Meta's chief AI scientist Yann LeCun, argue that the bill will "put an end to innovation" and "destroy California's fantastic history of technological innovation."
  • The article argues that the claims about the bill being the "end of the tech industry" are likely to age poorly, and that companies should already expect to be sued if their AI assistants cause mass casualty events or hundreds of millions in damages, even without the bill.

2. What are the key arguments made by proponents and critics of the bill? Proponents:

  • The bill is based on the premise that powerful AI systems could pose catastrophic dangers, and companies should be liable if their AI systems lead to mass casualty events or large damages.
  • The bill is endorsed by prominent AI researchers like Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio, who believe there is a high chance of AI systems being catastrophically dangerous.


  • The bill will "put an end to innovation" and "destroy California's technological innovation."
  • The safety requirements in the bill are unnecessary burdens that will discourage companies from publicly releasing powerful AI models.
  • The bill assumes a risk of mass casualty events from AI that many AI researchers dismiss as "sci-fi risks."

3. How does the article characterize the debate around the core premise of the bill?

  • The article notes that the AI research community is "almost comically divided" on whether powerful AI systems pose catastrophic risks.
  • Many prominent AI researchers, like Andrew Ng and Yann LeCun, dismiss the risks as "sci-fi" and say there is no chance of AI turning "evil."
  • However, other respected researchers like Hinton and Bengio believe there is a high chance of catastrophic risks from powerful AI systems.
  • The article states that this deep divide in the field is unprecedented, with researchers seeming to "continually double down on existing positions" rather than change their minds.

[02] Liability issues around AI systems

1. How does the article compare the liability issues around AI systems to cars and search engines?

  • If the author builds a dangerous car without safety testing and it leads to deaths, they would likely be held liable.
  • However, if the author builds a search engine that provides instructions on how to commit mass murder, they would likely not be held liable due to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
  • The article poses the question of whether an AI assistant is more like a car (where the manufacturer can be liable) or a search engine (where the manufacturer may not be liable).

2. What are the potential liability issues raised around AI systems in the article?

  • The article notes that even without the SB 1047 bill, companies should expect to be sued if their AI assistants cause mass casualty events or hundreds of millions in damages.
  • The bill aims to more clearly define what would constitute "reasonable precautions" that companies should take to avoid liability.
  • However, the article acknowledges a reasonable concern that the bill could discourage companies from publicly releasing powerful AI models, even if they don't have the capacity to cause mass harm, due to excess legal caution.
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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