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奇客Solidot | 英国法庭将裁决 Craig Wright 是不是中本聪

🌈 Abstract

The article discusses the upcoming court ruling on whether Craig Wright, an Australian man, is the mysterious creator of Bitcoin known as Satoshi Nakamoto.

📄 Section Summary

The Mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto

  • Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, but his identity has remained unknown since he stopped being active in 2011.
  • Craig Wright, an Australian man, has been claiming since 2016 that he is the mysterious Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • Wright has filed a series of lawsuits against Bitcoin developers, and now needs to prove in court that he is indeed Satoshi Nakamoto.

The COPA Lawsuit

  • The non-profit cryptocurrency organization Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) has filed a lawsuit against Wright.
  • COPA claims that Wright's attempts to assert control over Bitcoin-related intellectual property have had a chilling effect, scaring away developers and hindering Bitcoin's progress.
  • COPA is seeking a court ruling that declares Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, in order to prevent him from continuing to make such claims.

💡 Key Insights

  • The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, has remained a mystery since 2011.
  • Australian man Craig Wright has been claiming since 2016 that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, and has taken legal action to assert this.
  • A non-profit cryptocurrency organization has filed a lawsuit against Wright, seeking a court ruling that he is not Satoshi Nakamoto.
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