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Night owls have better brain function than morning people, study suggests

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses a study that found night owls may have superior cognitive function compared to morning people. The study analyzed data from the UK Biobank and found that people who are more active in the evening ("eveningness") performed better on cognitive tests than those who are "morning people". The researchers also found that getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night was associated with the best cognitive performance.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Night Owls vs. Morning People

1. What did the study find about the cognitive performance of night owls and morning people?

  • The study found that adults who are naturally more active in the evening ("eveningness") tended to perform better on cognitive tests than those who are "morning people".
  • The researchers categorized participants as "morningness", "eveningness" or "intermediate" based on their sleep patterns and chronotype.
  • Those classified as "eveningness" or "intermediate" had "superior cognitive function" compared to "morning people".

2. What factors were found to worsen cognitive performance?

  • Being a woman
  • Increasing age
  • Having a diagnosis of angina, high blood pressure, or diabetes

[02] Sleep Duration and Cognitive Function

1. What was the optimal sleep duration found in the study?

  • People who reported 7-9 hours of sleep per night appeared to perform best on cognitive tests examining intelligence, reasoning skills, reaction times, and memory.

2. What did the researchers recommend regarding sleep patterns?

  • The researchers said that proactively managing sleep patterns is important for boosting and safeguarding brain function.
  • They would like to see policy interventions to help improve sleep patterns in the general population.
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
ยฉ 2024 NewMotor Inc.