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Cool Self

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the concept of "coolness" and how finding and living as one's "cool self" can be a meaningful pursuit in life. It explores the definition of coolness, the balance between inner and outer coolness, and how coolness relates to ambition, relationships, and self-expression.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] What is the author's definition of "cool"?

  • The author defines "cool" as being authentic, confident, calm, and original.
  • Coolness is seen as a matter of self-identity as well as outward perception.
  • The author argues that coolness is not just about conforming to societal depictions of "cool", but about finding and expressing one's unique "cool self".

[02] How does the author relate coolness to ambition and relationships?

  • The author suggests that much of ambition is a quest to become a "cooler" version of oneself, driven by a desire to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
  • In relationships, the author posits that being one's "cool self" is integral to forming profound connections, as people are often attracted to and love those they perceive as "cool".

[03] What are the author's recommendations for finding one's "cool self"?

  • The author suggests that finding one's "cool self" involves either changing something about oneself or changing something about one's environment.
  • Changing oneself can mean altering tangible aspects or simply expressing one's true self more freely.
  • Changing one's environment can involve surrounding oneself with different people, places, or cultures that help unveil one's "cool self".

[04] What is the overall message of the article?

  • The author's central message is that finding and living as one's "cool self" can be a meaningful and rewarding pursuit in life, as it represents a form of self-actualization and authenticity.
  • The author argues that the "theory of the cool self" is grounded in common sense and intuition, and that embracing one's unique coolness can lead to better results and more happiness.
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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