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I watched my first and last horror film aged 12 and I’ve not been the same since

🌈 Abstract

The article is a personal reflection by the author on their fear of horror movies, particularly the 2005 film "Hide and Seek", and how it has impacted their life and career.

🙋 Q&A

[01] The author's experience with "Hide and Seek"

1. What was the author's reaction to watching "Hide and Seek" as a child?

  • The author was terrified while watching the film, hiding behind a cushion for most of the movie.
  • The author considers this experience as the first and last time they watched a horror film.

2. How did the film impact the author's daily life after watching it?

  • The author became anxious and was unable to take baths for months due to the fear of blood.
  • The author also avoided spaghetti bolognese, the favorite meal of the creepy girl in the film, for a period of time.

3. What are some of the lasting effects the film had on the author's life?

  • The author still feels the need to check every possible hiding spot in their home when alone at night.
  • The author is unable to close their eyes in the shower, fearing someone might appear.
  • The author avoids living in houses with floor-to-ceiling windows, as they are afraid of someone looking in.

[02] The impact on the author's professional life

1. How did the author's fear of horror films affect their career as a showbiz reporter?

  • The author could not participate in discussions about horror movie trailers or watch the films of certain actors.
  • The author had to turn down opportunities to interview actors because they could not bring themselves to watch the films the actors were in.
  • A colleague's description of a disturbing scene from the film "Mother!" still haunts the author weekly.

2. How has the author's progress been with watching other horror-related content?

  • The author has managed to watch the first half of the second season of "Twin Peaks", though they are not a fan of the "grey-haired man" character.
  • The author would love to rewatch "Hide and Seek" to see how bad it is, but they are still too scared to do so.
Shared by Daniel Chen ·
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