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The Mirror of AI: Why Are We So Baffled By Our Own Reflections?

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the widespread discourse surrounding "artificial intelligence" (AI) and the need to understand the technology and its implications for society. It explores the meaning of "artificial intelligence," the role of analogy in understanding intelligence, and the historical context of new technologies impacting society. The article also examines the potential impact of AI on the economy and the need to be aware of our own relationship with technology.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Between popular media, misinformation, and the constant distraction of the Internet Age

1. What are the key issues discussed in this section?

  • The article highlights the widespread amazement and unsettling mysticism surrounding the use of AI, particularly in the context of a podcast discussion about a GPT-based chatbot.
  • It argues that the shock expressed by the reporters highlights our human ability to project and anthropomorphize anything we can get our hands on, and that the responses of the chatbot are a reflection of the culture and language used to train it.

2. What is the author's perspective on the media's portrayal of AI? The author argues that the media's portrayal of AI, particularly in the podcast example, does a disservice to anyone seeking to understand the technology and its implications for society. The author suggests that the media's tendency to sensationalize and anthropomorphize AI can lead to a distorted understanding of the technology.

[02] What Do We Even Mean?

1. How does the article define "artificial intelligence"? The article explains that "artificial intelligence" is often synonymous with "machine learning," which refers to building statistical models by training them on large amounts of data. It suggests that when people refer to ChatGPT as an "artificial intelligence," it can be understood as an "extremely large statistical model (i.e. mathematical function) trained on an even larger amount of data."

2. What are the different meanings of "artificial intelligence" in social theory and science fiction? The article notes that in the context of social theory and science fiction, "artificial intelligence" can take on new meanings, often involving concepts of sentience, emotions, and agency, which are more philosophical in nature and do not necessarily reflect the current state of computing.

[03] Intelligence and Analogy

1. How does the article discuss the role of analogy in understanding intelligence? The article suggests that rather than trying to define intelligence with analytical specificity, we should invoke our deep and immediate experiences with concepts like consciousness and intelligence. It highlights the idea that analogy is the "fuel and fire" of thought, and that we navigate the world primarily by relating to each other using analogy.

2. What are the potential pitfalls of using analogy when discussing AI? The article warns that while analogies are powerful for thinking and learning, they can also be misleading if we don't think about their limitations clearly. It cautions against the unconscious anthropomorphism that can occur when we use language to describe the capabilities of AI systems, as this can lead to the accumulation of assumptions about sentience and consciousness that may not be accurate.

[04] Not Our First Time Around

1. What historical examples does the article provide to illustrate how new technologies have impacted society? The article cites Plato's Phaedrus, written around 370 BC, which contains criticism of writing as a medium, arguing that it would cause citizens' memories to decay and their abilities to organize and communicate thoughts to suffer. The article also mentions similar debates and reactions surrounding the introduction of radio, TV, and the internet.

2. What is the author's perspective on how we should approach the impact of new technologies, such as AI? The author suggests that rather than focusing on how each new technology might affect society at large, it is often more rewarding to examine our own relationships to these technologies. The article questions whether technologies like AI are the right kind of solution for issues like loneliness or mental health.

[05] A New Economic Reality?

1. What are the different views on the impact of AI on the job market? The article notes that there are two main perspectives on the impact of AI on the job market: the narrative of impending manual and repetitive job replacement, and the view that "creative" or "white-collar" jobs will be the first to be replaced. The article suggests that both views are likely to be partially correct and partially wrong.

2. What factors does the article highlight regarding the adoption of AI in the workplace? The article suggests that the main driver for the adoption of AI in the workplace is cost, as building robust and adaptable AI systems remains an enormously challenging and costly goal. It also notes that human labor is often cheaper, and that humans have an innate ability to adapt quickly to context in ways that are still difficult to translate into data-driven models.

[06] Conclusion

1. What is the key message the article conveys about technology and human culture? The article concludes that technology built by people is a reflection of human culture, and that we should not be surprised when machines and computers exhibit the features we ourselves have given them. It suggests that we need to be aware of our own relationship with technology and not treat it as an independent force.

2. What resources does the article recommend for further reading on the topics of culture, technology, and AI? The article recommends the following resources for further reading:

  • Janelle Shane's blog "AI Weirdness" and her book "You Look Like a Thing and I Love You"
  • Erik Davis' book "Techgnosis"
  • Ruha Benjamin's book "Race After Technology"
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