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Reliable and Efficient Concept Erasure of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article presents a novel approach called Reliable and Efficient Concept Erasure (RECE) for erasing specific concepts from Text-to-Image (T2I) diffusion models. The key points are:

  • RECE efficiently modifies the model's cross-attention projection matrices in 3 seconds without requiring additional fine-tuning.
  • RECE derives new embeddings that can represent the target concepts within the unlearned model, and iteratively erases these embeddings to achieve thorough concept erasure.
  • RECE introduces a regularization term to minimize the impact on the model's generation ability for unrelated concepts.
  • RECE outperforms previous methods in terms of erasure effectiveness, efficiency, and robustness against red-teaming attacks.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Reliable and Efficient Concept Erasure (RECE)

1. What are the key components of the RECE method?

  • RECE consists of two main components: model editing and embedding derivation.
  • First, RECE erases concepts by editing the model with a closed-form solution.
  • Then, RECE derives new embeddings that can represent the erased concepts within the unlearned model.
  • RECE iterates between model editing and embedding derivation to achieve thorough concept erasure.

2. How does RECE ensure the preservation of the model's generation ability?

  • RECE introduces a regularization term during the derivation process to minimize the impact on unrelated concepts.
  • The regularization term restricts the deviation of model parameters before and after modification.

3. What are the advantages of RECE compared to previous methods?

  • RECE achieves more efficient and thorough erasure with minor damage to the original generation ability.
  • RECE demonstrates enhanced robustness against red-teaming tools.
  • All the processes in RECE are formulated in closed-form, enabling extremely efficient erasure in only 3 seconds.

[02] Experimental Results

1. How does RECE perform in erasing unsafe content (nudity)?

  • RECE achieves the lowest number of detected nude body parts on the I2P dataset, while maintaining comparable performance on the COCO-30k dataset.
  • RECE outperforms previous methods in terms of erasure effectiveness and efficiency.

2. How does RECE perform in erasing artistic styles?

  • RECE demonstrates successful erasure of the target artistic style (e.g., Van Gogh) while minimizing the impact on unrelated artistic styles.
  • RECE outperforms previous methods in preserving the generation ability for unerased artistic styles.

3. How does RECE perform against red-teaming attacks?

  • RECE exhibits the best overall robustness against various red-teaming tools, including white-box methods (P4D, UnlearnDiff) and the black-box method (Ring-A-Bell).
  • RECE achieves the lowest attack success rate among the compared methods.

4. How efficient is RECE in terms of model editing duration?

  • RECE and UCE, the previous efficient method, modify only 2.23% of the model parameters, resulting in the shortest editing durations (3 seconds for RECE).
  • Despite the similar durations, RECE significantly outperforms UCE in removal effectiveness.


Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
ยฉ 2024 NewMotor Inc.